I’m a PhD student in Network Geometry at the University of Barcelona. Currently, I’m working on network embeddings in the multidimensional hyperbolic spaces.
(03.2025) New preprint: "Mapping bipartite networks into multidimensional hyperbolic spaces" is available online (link)
(09.2024) New paper: "Feature-aware ultra-low dimensional reduction of real networks" was published in npj Complexity (link)
(07.2023) I gave a talk at NetSci 2023 in Vienna about $D$-Mercator.
(05.2023) Our group organized a workshop at IX Festa de la Ciència explaining networks in the city of Barcelona. Take a look at our [video](https://youtu.be/Bj9e8xyzuzM) about the transportation networks in Barcelona and also the [promo video](https://youtu.be/WsRznHKe3cg)
(04.2023) New preprint: $D$-Mercator: multidimensional hyperbolic embedding of real networks (link)
(10.2022) Very glad to give a talk at CSS 2022 in Palma de Mallorca about D-Mercator -- a tool to embed networks into multidimensional hyperbolic spaces.
(02.2022) I gave a talk at NetSciX 2022 about the role of time scales in coupled epidemic-opinion dynamics on multiplex networks.
(01.2022) New publication in Entropy with Anna Chmiel. The paper discusses the interplay between opinion dynamics and epidemic spreading in multiplex networks (link).
(10.2021) I started my PhD degree at University of Barcelona. I will work with Profs. M. Ángeles Serrano and Marián Boguñá on network geometry topics.
(07.2021) I was awarded the first prize for my engineering thesis (_Predicting election polls using machine learning tools_) by Section Physics in Economy and Social Sciences of Polish Physical Society.
(07.2021) I presented a poster about my master thesis at 11th Polish Symposium on Physics in Economy and Social Science (FENS 2021)
(06.2021) I won an award for the best student's presentation at the SFINKS conference. I presented an ABM model for generating interaction from agents' preference and their relations.
(05.2021) I started working with Dr Anna Chmiel in her research grant _"Modeling epidemic spread using comorbidities and social attitudes"_.
(10.2020) I joined Prof. Holyst's group of Physics in Economy and Social Sciences at WUT in project _"Signed Relations and Structural Balance in Complex Systems: From Data to Models"_ as a student researcher.
(09.2020) New publication in Acta Physica Polonica A. with Julian Sienkiewicz. It investigates the important factors of popular scientific articles (link).